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Taouali, O., Elaissi, I. & Messaoud, H. (2011, March). Online identification of nonlinear system in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space using SVDKPCA method. 2011 International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications, CCCA 2011, 6031191.
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M'sirdi, N.K., Jaballah, B., Nasser, H., Naamane, A., & Messaoud, H. (2011, March). Sliding Modes Observers for vehicle dynamics and Structured Estimation (SE-SMO). 2011 International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications, CCCA2011, 6031543.
Ouni, K., Dhouibi, H., Nabli, L.,Simeu-Abazi, Z.,& Messaoud, H. (2011, March). Monitoring approach using nonlinear principal component analysis. 2011 International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications, CCCA 2011, Article 6031486.
Benamor, A., Chrifi-Alaoui, L., Chabaane, M., Bussy, P., & Messaoud, H. (2011, March). A new second order sliding mode control approach for coupled MIMO nonlinear uncertain systems. 2011 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2011, 5983222, Pages 527-532.
Ben Njima, C., Ben Mabrouk, W., Garcia, G., & Messaoud, H. (2011, March). Finite time stabilization of non linear systems by state feedback. International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD'11- Summary Proceedings 2011, 5767434.
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M'Sirdi, N.K., Jaballah, B., Rabhi, A., Naamane, A.& Messaoud, H. (2011, September). Differential estimators for state observers in vehicle dynamics: HOSM and ALIEN. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnLine), 44 (1), pp 2184-2189.
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Dhouibi, H., Ouni, K.,& Nabli, L. (2011,March). A modelling approach of robustness control for regulation systems with Temporal and non Temporal Constraints through Petri Nets. 2011 International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications, CCCA 2011, 6031194.
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